Wednesday's Flower

Wednesday's Story
My first flower…
From my cutting garden. Grown from seed…a seed from a packet. An intricate yet simple seed covered by a ¼ inch of dirt, watered, and warmed by the sun. This seed that turned into a seedling, into a plant, and flowered…a miracle I was so honored to experience, and now, to share its beauty with you.
points of interest
A robust plant with dull and bristly lance-shaped basal leaves, borage has nodding blue flowers atop branched hairy stems. Its bright blue flowers have five narrowly pointed petals and buds that are also covered in hairs that give a frosty appearance. Edible stalks and leaves have a cucumber taste. Many medicinal and culinary uses. Useful in dry places, borage self-seeds and blooms for a long period in summer.
general care
Grow in any reasonably well-drained soil in full or part sun. Direct sow seeds in spring.
friday’s flower fact
Borage is one of the only truly blue edible substances and is lovely as a dessert decoration.
Botanical Name | Borago officinalis
Family | Boraginaceae
Type | Annual
Origin | Europe
Zone | N/A
Flower Height | 24”
Flower Diameter | 1”