Wednesday's Story
Catching a moment.
A moment before it completely blooms.
A moment to be remembered.
A moment to be shared.
A moment of beauty.
A moment of nature.
A moment to be enjoyed.
A moment in time.
points of interest
In early summer semi-double, bright tangerine-orange, buttercup-like flowers open flat at the terminus of ribbed, upright stems. Flowers are generally short-lived. Forms clumps of sharply divided palmate leaves. Prefers moist or wet meadows.
general care
Grow in moist, deep, fertile soil that may be heavy to not dry out. Site in full or part sun.
friday’s flower fact
To encourage a second blooming of the Golden Queen Globeflower, shear plant after first flush, and apply a balanced fertilizer.
Common Names | Golden Queen Globeflower
Botanical Name | Trollius chinensis ‘Golden Queen’
Family | Ranunclaceae
Type | Perennial
Origin | China
Zone | 5-8
Flower Height | 24”
Flower Diameter | 2”
flower download
Wednesday’s Flower download for your desktop wallpaper.
Instruction for changing your computer desktop background (wallpaper):
Click on the 'Computer' button above to download the file to your computer.
The file will download to the folder you have selected for downloads.
Note: the image may automatically open on your computer once downloaded.
To make this flower your desktop background, find the image and right click on the picture. A popup menu will appear with various options including “Set Desktop Picture".* Select that option and the image will now be your background wallpaper.
For more specific instructions on how to change your desktop using System Preferences for a Mac or Control Panel for a PC, please Google “instructions on how to make an image your desktop background."
Instructions for changing your tablet or smartphone wallpaper:
Due to the numerous devices available, please consult your tablet or smartphone user manual to make this flower your wallpaper.
*Note: the wording may vary depending on the Operating System of your computer.
Thank you! It is a cheerful blossom sure to brighten my day! And I hope you have a lovely day too! Phyllis
A bright and cheerful blossom indeed! So glad you like and wishing you a delightful day too!