Wednesday's Flower

Wednesday's Story
It’s raining and glooming in Chicago…
Where I’m currently traveling. I needed an umbrella to protect me from the wet, cold raindrops. I found a parasol instead, which won’t do a great job of protecting me from the rain, but it does brighten my day…
points of interest
Fantastic as a container-grown climber in cooler climates, or in the ground on a trellis in warmer climates. This vine has abundant, snowy white blossoms all summer and large, glossy, dark green foliage.
general care
This flower likes sun, acidic and moist, well-drained soil, with consistently moderate fertility. Partial shade is recommended in summer months of hot climates. Some resistance to humidity, pests and disease.
friday’s flower fact
Although Aloe Vera is most well-known, there are over 450 species of Aloe with widely varying characteristics, some a few inches tall, while others can have 60’ trunks.
Botanical Name | Mandevilla hybrid
Family | Apocynaceae
Type | Perennial vine
Origin | Hybrid of species from Central and South America
Zone | 10-11
Flower Height | 10’+
Flower Diameter | 4-6”
photographed @
New York Botanical Garden,