Floating Petals Register

Wednesday's Flower

Abutilon palmeri

Wednesday's Story

Five petals…

That’s it. Just five petals capture my attention in the Phoenix desert. Five simple, yet ever so delicate petals make me stop as they wave in the wind calling me to get in close: to see more, to learn, and then step back taking in all of their wonder. Those five petals inspire me with their strength, resilience and tenaciousness as they stand strong against the wind, the rain (or lack there of), and the hot desert sun. Wow! There is so much inspiration in just five petals…

points of interest

Soft, fuzzy, light gray-green heart shaped leaves form this dense desert shrub. Flowers are cup-shaped, composed of five golden yellow petals that appear for nine months. This mallow produces a small, round, fuzzy, capsular fruit.

general care

Average water, neutral pH, full sun. Cut back in midsummer to 18” to encourage fullness. Loves heat.

friday’s flower fact

Despite the Superstition Mallow's namesake, this cousin of hollyhock is not known to be superstitious. It is actually named after the Superstition Mountains in Arizona, where it grows abundantly.

Common Names | Superstition Mallow
Botanical Name | Abutilon palmeri
Family | Malvaceae
Type | Tender shrub
Origin | Southwestern United Sates to Northern Mexico
Zone | 9-11
Flower Height | 3-6’
Flower Diameter | 1”

photographed @

Phoenix, AZ

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cutting room floor

Varying perspectives of Wednesday’s Flower from bud to full bloom

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