Wednesday's Flower

Wednesday's Story
It happened again…
I slowed down and paused. It’s something that doesn’t happen often enough. But in doing so, I looked at this bloom that I had seen many, many times, and this time I gave it my full attention. I noticed it has three bracts/petals. When I looked even closer, I noticed inside its fuchsia petals there were three tiny, tiny stems that bloom with tiny, tiny white flowers. It was transformative to slow down and observe; to connect with nature and its wonders. I hope you’ll give it a try too, as you might be amazed at what you connect with and see.
points of interest
Strong growing, thorny, evergreen climber with elliptic, semi-glossy, mid to deep green leaves. Slightly wavy, magenta floral bracts appear from summer to autumn. The three petal-like bracts surround tubular flowers that form large terminal clusters.
general care
Grow in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Provide structure and prune in spring. Drought tolerant once established.
friday’s flower fact
Bougainvillea is also known as Paperflower due to the colorful, papery bracts that form immense color displays, making this plant so infamous.
Botanical Name | Bougainvillea ‘Temple Fire’
Family | Nyctaginaceae
Type | Evergreen shrub
Origin | Brazil
Zone | 13-15
Flower Height | 15-25’
Flower Diameter | 1.5-2.5”
photographed @
Phoenix, Arizona