Beauty Is Whatever Gives Joy

Beauty is whatever gives joy!… Beauty and joy are all around us, so what isn’t there to be joyful about?! There is so much to be celebrated in this life here on earth. So, put in the effort to having an awareness of the joy all around you and in your life.

Edna St.Vincent Millay (February 22, 1892 – October 19, 1950) was born in Rockland, Maine. In 1904 her mother divorced her father and became a nurse to support her three daughters. Her mother played an integral role in Millay and her sisters developing into women who knew they had the right to speak up as women. Millay played the piano but she did not have long fingers, so she studied and became a writer instead, with a focus on poetry. Her mother helped her to enter a poetry contest by The Lyric Year. Millay did not win any awards, but she did receive a lot publicity for her work. Her school director encouraged her to apply to Vassar and offered to help with some of her expenses.

Millay’s career continued as a poet as she went to New York to read her poetry. Vanity Fair started to publish her work. During this time, Millay over extended herself and became ill, which attributed to her personal breakdown. To help in her recovery, the editor of Vanity Fair offered for Millay to go to Europe to continue to write. In Europe she focused more on her plays than poetry. She came back to the United States, and in 1923 she married Eugen Jan Boissevan. They built a house on the 635 acres they purchased in Austerlitz, New York. In 1950 Millay was found dead from a heart attack, which was followed by a coronary occlusion. In 1973 Millay’s sister, Norma and her husband, Charles Frederick Ellis, moved to Austerlitz to establish the Millay Colony for the Arts on Edna. In 2010 the colony was renovated and is now a museum that can be toured from May through October.

African Daisy. Photographed @ The Huntington.

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