Monthly Archives: September 2015


September 15, 2015

Hungarian Blue Bread Seed Poppy

It really wasn’t the summer I expected it to be, though that doesn’t mean it was a bad summer, just a different summer. I guess it started with the wonderful intentions of planting my cutting garden early, though it didn’t quite happen that way, and as I write this I feel sad that I didn’t get it all done as I had hoped. But then I remind myself that there is always next year, and any sadn...

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Sleeping Through The Summer

September 08, 2015

Blooming holiday gift ideas - Floating Petals floral community - Picotee Amaryllis

All summer long I’m thinking about my gardens outside: enjoying their beauty, weeding them, and thinking about what I can add to them next year. What I forget about are the winter forced bulbs that are on the shelf in our garage, where they are doing their thing: resting and rejuvenating for the upcoming fall and winter. I’m pretty sure I forget about them, as it’s not a pretty shelf: a shel...

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