A HOSTESS GIFT Mar 04, 2018
A Hostess Gift

I have read, that when giving fresh cut flowers as a hostess gift, they should be given in a vase. At first when I read this, I was a little taken aback: I have to buy a vase too?!? Then I started to think of the course of events when I arrive at someone else’s home with a bouquet of blooms. I have found they are not always received in the most welcomed of ways. The hostess usually (at least I know I do) has many things going on as people are arriving. So, instead of greeting her guests, she has to stop everything, find a vase, unwrap the bouquet, cut the stems at an angle to refresh them, run the water to get the right temperature and arrange them in the vase…point taken.

Instead of greeting her guests, she has to stop everything and find a vase.

Since learning this, I have decided it’s not important that the vase be expensive. Often I arrange my gifts in a large mason jar with one of my many recycled ribbons tied around it. So, as I walk up to their home and knock on their door with the freshly arranged bouquet in a mason jar, I’m greeted by the host. She smiles, thanks me for the lovely flowers and puts them in a place for all to enjoy. She didn’t have to stop greeting her guests. She was happy to receive a special gift for her, and as a bonus, she now has a vase she can use the next time when she is bringing flowers for the hostess.

Share with me below: How do you feel about receiving flowers, as hostess gift, that aren’t in a vase?

Tulips. Photographed in My Studio.

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