ONE THING Sep 15, 2019
One Thing

One thing I’m working on this year is my gratitude. One of the ways I work on it is, every morning, my goal is to write at least five things (though usually it’s more like fifteen or twenty) that I’m grateful for from the day before.

It’s been about a month since we started, and it’s simple but a really nice way to connect at the end of the day, and for each of us to share our day.

With this goal of being more grateful, I have been looking for other ways to integrate it into my day. From some recent readings and podcasts I’ve been listening to, the simple idea came to me to ask my husband and my mom every night for the one thing they are grateful for. In return I share my one thing. In sharing our thoughts every night, I also write them down, so one day we can reflect and be reminded of those things we were grateful for.

It’s been about a month since we started, and it’s simple, but a really nice way to connect at the end of the day, and for each of us to share our day. The other joy of sharing is that I find that, in hearing what they are grateful for, it sparks additional gratitude for me.

I will say though, it’s not always easy to remember to ask my husband and my mom, so I created a simple printed card that I leave out on the kitchen counter to remind me to ask, which is included in this post. Please feel free to download and print it for yourself and your loved ones, and enjoy sharing something you and they are grateful for each day.

Violet Flowering Maple

Share with me below: What are you grateful for today?

Chilean Tree Mallow. Photographed @ National Botanical Gardens, Ireland.

Floating Petals

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