The Whole Point Of Being Alive... - Oprah Winfrey

The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be…If anyone has accomplished this, it’s Oprah Winfrey, from her humble early beginnings to her incredible and positive influence that she has today. I know it isn’t an every day thought of mine, but I’m trying to work on becoming the person I am meant to be. One way I work on this is by committing to a word or a couple of words to focus on each year. Last year my word was ‘grace’. This year I have decided on something to help push me out of my comfort zone to develop me into the person I’m intended and hope to be. More to come on this topic on this week’s ‘My Blooming Blog’.

Who doesn’t know Oprah Winfrey (b. January 29, 1954)? Admittedly, I wasn’t sure what to share about Oprah, as most people know of her and something about her life. This weekend, though, I came across an interview with her in Vogue magazine that I completely forgot I had. It was a very poignant article, partly about what she viewed as a box office failure of the movie ‘Beloved.’ She became very depressed for six weeks and didn’t want to do anything. I know I can’t imagine Oprah feeling depressed with all of her success, but it happens to everyone. No doubt this box office ‘failure’ was part of her journey, learning to deal with disappointment and leading her to be the complete person she is intended to be. I appreciated knowing that even Oprah has challenges and has to work to overcome them, too. She has rallied, though, and is as busy as ever with the OWN channel, release of ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ coming in March, working with 60-Minutes, and her books of reflection like ‘The Wisdom of Sundays’. Who knows what else she is working on to continue to inspire us all.

Zeolights Calendula. Photographed in My Cutting Garden.

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