MY 300th BLOOM Sep 09, 2018
My 300th Bloom

Last week I posted my 300th bloom. It all started one day in August over six years ago. It was, and still is, a simple idea: sharing the beauty and power of flowers. It’s not a physical bouquet of flowers, but it’s a digital flower on Wednesdays shared to brighten your day; to create a connection with nature, as we all are so connected to our computers, tablets and smart phones.

I have written more words and put down more thoughts about flowers than I could have ever imagined. Through it all, it has created a place of joy and peace in my life.

My 300th Bloom

When I started Floating Petals, I asked a number of family and friends if they would be willing to receive an email from me of my floral photography. Fortunately, I have some very nice family and friends who were willing! The Sunday before I sent out my first image in August of 2012, I realized that there needed to be more than a floral image. There also needed to be a story. So, both my photography and writing began.

My 300th Bloom

It started with the hopes of sharing a flower a day. After about two weeks of emails, and no website yet, I realized it was going to be too much to keep up with it all. There is the procuring the flowers, photographing them, vetting the images, laying out each flower in my graphic design program, researching facts about the flowers, and writing and editing my story. So, I came up with the idea of having a flower to share once a week. It would be called “Wednesday’s Flower”, and would consist of the featured flower, my story and some flower facts. That was the single offering and from there a simple website was born.

My 300th Bloom

As the years have gone on, I did a major website overhaul. I added the Cutting Room Floor, which includes varying images of Wednesday’s Flower. Then I added a flower quote every Monday. That too has evolved with my reflections and now includes a short biography on the author of each quote. Finally, I went where I never thought I would go, and I started to blog. I have written more words and put down more thoughts about flowers than I could have ever imagined. Through it all, it has created a place of joy and peace in my life.

My 300th Bloom

There’s nothing sensational or viral about Floating Petals. There’s only the simplicity of the beauty of power of flowers and all of the lessons flowers have to teach us. I hope that each flower, quote and blog gives you a moment to pause and search out the beauty around you; to seek more of a connection to this world we walk on instead of the smart phone we hold in our hands. I hope you enjoy, and I hope you will share it will others to brighten their day, too.

Share with me below: What do you enjoy most about Floating Petals?

Jump for Joy Rose. Photographed @ The Huntington.
Floating Petals

Need moments in your week just for you, to connect to nature and bring the beauty of flowers into your view?  for the Floating Petals newsletter for FREE and experience the 400,000+ flowers that petal our world.

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