It Didn't Happen This Year

It didn’t happen this year, and I’m a little unhappy about it, to say the least. What didn’t happen, you ask..? My cutting garden. It’s hard for me to fathom that I didn’t get one single seed planted. At least there are a few flowers that are blooming this summer, whose seeds have resurfaced from years past and… a whole lot of weeds.

With our upcoming renovation of our house starting this fall, I think it will be the perfect motivation to renovate my cutting garden too, and not have another year like this year.

This summer, I have avoided walking over to my cutting garden like the plague, but every so often I finally get the courage to wander over there. What first caught my attention this summer was the bright pop of orange of the Oriental Poppies. Every year they bloom in the same perfectly straight line they were planted in years ago, which I’m in awe of. A few sun flowers have found their way down the path from where they originally bloomed last year. The California Poppies keep popping up here and there. Then there are the Cleome (Spider Flower) I planted last year that are blooming along with some Nigella that have gone to seed. Also as mentioned, there are the many, many weeds that have found some very good dirt to bloom in.

My Cutting GardenThere are a few Blue Boy Bachelor Buttons blooming, and I’m happy to see them along the peripheral. Though with that said, this is not the garden I dreamed of all winter long. I did however, finally pick up the three trellises that have even been laying down in the garden and put them up (featured image above). They add a little dimension to the nonexistent garden, which helps me not be as disappointed when I look in that direction.

I never would have imagined I wouldn’t have a cutting garden arranged, planted or to watch grow this summer. The reality is that life gets in the way sometimes, and this experience reminds me that I need to schedule on my calendar to select the blooms I want to grow, plan the garden and make a timeline for planting all of the seeds. With our upcoming renovation of our house starting this fall, I think it will be the perfect motivation to renovate my cutting garden too, and not have another year like this year.

In the meantime, I will see what weeds are growing in my cutting garden. I know I won’t want them there next year, but maybe there are one or two that will make it as a Wednesday’s Flower, as there is delight and wonder to be found in all blooms.

Share with me below: What disappointments have had with your garden and what you want to do better next year?

My Cutting Garden. Photographed in Rupert, VT.

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